Monday, December 28, 2009

The Power of Providence - Goal Met!

Wow, where do I begin? First Yowzers! Uh huh! Kablam! Yipee! Yehaw! Bam! Pow! You all rock! I met my personal goal of $2300.00, thanks to ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Now let's talk for a moment about providence and a famous quote I just love by Goethe:

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now."

I get chill bumps when I read this and I truly believe if I was leaving this world and could only impart one piece of advice to those I love, it would be what you see above my friends. "Then providence moves too," yes it does. This past Sunday, on the one-year anniversary of the day of my mother's memorial service, I set out for a 10-mile training walk at 7 am.

While I feel I have made huge personal progress on the duration of my walks, I was still rather worried about my progress and my ability to make the 60 miles looming just a short 6 weeks ahead of me. The most I had walked in one week amounted only to a meager 24 miles. How could I ramp it up enough to make 60.

These were the musings in my brain as I wandered into my neighborhood Starbucks for a good shot of morning coffee and a carb filled smoothie before my walk. It is not my usual custom to stop at Starbucks, but I felt compelled; and when I feel compelled to do something anyone who knows me will tell you, I follow my gut. It was also my gut that, as I waited for my coffee, compelled me to make conversation with a cute couple a few decades older than myself lounging in the corner. Seated together and chatting away they appeared to share quite comfortable company. I assumed they were married and admired them for sharing their coffee out in the world, rather than behind the stale familiarly of a kitchen table.

Thus my geared-up ready-for-a-work-out self, had to follow the voice in my head that said I must talk to these people and I interjected something about how I admired their choice to be out and about. Not sure exactly what I said. But we get to talking...and long story short, his name is Dan, her name is Jeannie and no they are not married, just great friends, and get ready, Dan, Jeannie informs me, trains endurance athletes. She also informs me he has done several Iron Man competitions and continues to do Half-Iron Mans. Dan adds that he hosts a free walking clinic at 7am on Sunday's and of course invites me to try it out. I now notice the RunTex logo on his workout clothes, and I am wowed.

This, my friends is when you feel it move in your veins, providence that is; this is not an accident. In this moment, I realize I am exactly where the universe wants me to be. Goethe pops in my head, "....then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred." I try to quote it for my new friends and butcher it, so I change the subject.

"Tell me what you know Dan. I'm an empty camel pack," I command, plopping myself down in the opposite chair.

"How about telling me who you are first?" Dan pokes back.

I am embarrassed at my lack of manners and quickly introduce myself. "Patricia, your friendly-neighborhood scatter brain at your service." Later Dan says to me, "Patricia you are no different from most people when it comes to being a mess, it's just that you freely admit to it." We liked each other instantly, all three of us. And I started my walk a good 2 hours later. I left excited about a date with Dan for the same afternoon to go over paperwork. He was hired, and I was on my way to kicking it in gear.

Sunday we would meet for the first time for training, I would start a food and exercise log, a stretching routine, and would begin reading a bible-sized book of educational materials Dan gave me. The financial investment would require me to cancel my gym membership and devote my weekly allowance to Dan, but I knew it was well worth it!

He would call throughout the week, we would meet a couple times just to visit and check in. We would watch the Biggest Loser and then debate the pluses and minuses of the show over the phone. I would realize I had not just an awesome trainer behind me, but had found a truly wonderful new friend! Then, I get a call from Austin Market Research to do a study and earn a quick 75 bucks which would go obviously to my flimsy training budget...This reminds me also of when my friend Beth, from out of the blue, stepped in, when my fund-raising seemed to be limping along, and ramped my donations up like a wild child.... Again Goethe enters my thoughts: (taking action raises).... in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

Additionally, I met my fundraising goal the first day I trained with Dan, allowing me to totally switch gears and focus on the blisters rather than the bucks. Again no accident if you ask me. In short, thank you friends for supporting my journey on the 3-Day! I realize this is also a journey to a new me, well I hope at least a journey toward the younger me who could run town lake, out crunch the best and actually do pull-ups ;-).... I will keep you posted about training.

My team mate Jamie is behind on meeting her fund raising goal so feel free to continue to spread the word about my donation page. Anything I raise over my minimum I can give to her. If she does not meet her goal she won't be able to walk ;-( and thus I will walk alone.....and will share a tent with a stranger...ahhh poor stranger.

Let me close this blog with the hope that my success on this walk be a reminder to all that "Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now."
Walk on!

by Patricia McDonald on Thu, Oct 01, 2009 @ 11:29 AM CT

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